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#1 Neue Finnischkurse bei Laurea

Verfasst: 11. Jul 2007 11:20
von sunny1011
Basic Finnish 3 cr

The students will be able to

·understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.

· introduce themselves and others.

· ask and answer questions about personal details such as where they live, people they know and things they have.

· interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.


· everyday situations (e.g. requesting and giving information, travelling by public transport, using a post office)

· discussions about everyday subjects (oneself, family, living conditions, etc.)

· basic grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation


The course provides an introduction to the Finnish language. Students will reach level A1 in accordance with the Common European Framework.


No previous knowledge of Finnish.

Method and Schedule:

Language workshops on Monday mornings (8.30 - 11.45):
3.9., 10.9., 17.9., 24.9., 1.10., 8.10., 15.10., 22.10., 29.10., 5.11., 26.11., 17.12. in Laurea Otaniemi Metsänpojankuja 3, 02130 Espoo.

Instructor and lecturer: Maria Kela maria.kela[at]

Enrolment and more information
Enrolment by online application form by 22.8.2007

Tel. +358 9 8868 7267 [url][/url]

Tuition fee
100 EUR
Intermediate Finnish 3 cr
The students will be able to

· understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance, e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment

· communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters

· describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.


· everyday situations (e.g. requesting and giving information, travelling by public transport, using a post office)

· discussions about everyday subjects (oneself, family, living conditions, etc.)

· basic grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation


Students will reach level A2 in accordance with the Common European Framework. After the workshop period students participate the test on a general examination day.

Method and Schedule:

Intensive workshop period 2 credits in Laurea Otaniemi Metsänpojankuja 3, 02130 Espoo:

Thu 6.9. 2007 8.30 - 11.45
Wed 12.9. 2007 8.30 - 11.45
Tue 18.9.2007 8.30 - 11.45
Wed 26.9.2007 8.30 - 11.45.

Individual / Tandem studies with help of Optima e-learning base 1 credit (2nd period)

The unit continues on the 2nd period with more individual studies. Tutoring will be available through Optima virtual learning enivironment. If possible, studying should partly be carried out as Tandem studies with a native Finnish speaker.
Meetings for feedback, assessment and tutoring:

Wed 7.11. 8.30 - 11.45
Tue 18.12. 8.30 - 11.45

Instructor and lecturer: Maria Kela maria.kela[at]

Enrolment and more information
Enrolment by online application form by 22.8.2007

Tel. +358 9 8868 7267 [url][/url]

Tuition fee
100 EUR ... /index.jsp

Schön, dass es neue Methoden mit E-Learning auch für Finnisch gibt, obwohl Optima als E-Learning kann ich nicht wirklich empfehlen. Es wird wohl auf Verfügbarkeit der Materialien basieren und auf unabhängigen Lernen (also gut für Berufstätige und anderen mit wenig Zeit), nicht unbedingt interaktive Elemente. Schön, wenn's jemand testen würde :)


#2 Re: Neue Finnischkurse bei Laurea

Verfasst: 11. Jul 2007 11:21
von sunny1011
Darüber hinaus:
Job Hunting
00477 Job Hunting for the International Students 3 cr

Students know

- how to deal with the Finnish working life ( :D genau) , what kind of services are offered, investigate his/her life-span, choices, values and career history in order to map his/her career path. The student will obtain tools for career planning and will be capable to value and market his/her competencies that are important for ones career. The student will set goals for developing ones competencies and will plan his/her career.The student knows his/her possibilities in the work market today and in the future and knows how to use the information as part of ones career planning.

Description of the study unit

Job Hunting study unit is suitable for the international students. Priority for non-finnish speakers. The study unit includes working at the Optima virtual learning environment (assignments) and includes several contact lessons which are obligatory. We will have several quest ( :O nicht schon wieder dieser Fehler!) -speakers from the working life.

3.9.2007-31.10.2007 (3 cr).
Contact lessons, Place: Laurea Leppävaara, Vanha maantie 9, Espoo::

4.9 info, 13-15
13.9 Labour Market knowledge, 12.30-15.45
27.9 Personal development for empolyability, 12.30-15.45
4.10 Job application process, 12.30-15.45
11.10 Entrepreneurship, 12.30-15.45
18.10 Intercultural communication -Job Interviews, 12.30-15.45
23.10 Group discussions -Feedback about CVs and Job applications

Instructor and lecturer: Teija Larsson teija.larsson[at]

Enrolment and more information
Enrolment by online application form by 22.8.2007

Tel. +358 9 8868 7267 [url][/url]

Tuition fee
100 EUR